• Open Hours: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 18.00
  • 070-7136-2177
  • info@eloxbiotech.org

Tested and approved as a dietary supplement.

Introducing Elox Cell Balance

A liquid, consisting of Exclusion Zone Water, Molecular Sodium, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Zink and a lot of science.

Possible effects of Hyperacidity

  • Neurodermatitis, acne, fungal infections
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Sleep disorders
  • Gum disease, tooth decay
  • Vulnerable immune system
  • Osteoarthritis and joint problems
  • High blood pressure, low blood pressure
  • Irritability
  • Chronic fatigue, feeling weak
  • Allergies
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hair loss
  • Rheumatism and arthritis
  • Connective tissue problems, cellulite
  • Disturbed intestinal flora
  • Tense muscles and fascia
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Muscle cramps

Water content in various ages of the human body.


Trade name


Dosage form

Transparent odourless liquid for oral administration


Liquid based on hexagonal water, including molecular ions of sodium, hydrogen, oxygen, zinc.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Adaptogenic agent

Pharmacological action

Structured water is a special state of water in which the molecules of the liquid are arranged in a unique crystal lattice in a special way – where six molecules of H2O are in a sequential relationship, forming a ring structure.Saturating the body with hexagonal (structured) water increases vitality, slows down aging processes and prevents the development of dangerous diseases caused by dehydration and lack of nutrients in the cells of organs and tissues.

An important component of the innovative preparation “Cell Balance” and “iCELL” is molecular sodium. This element is responsible for regulating the fluid balance. It ensures the correct distribution of fluid inside and outside the cells of the body. This mineral is predominantly found outside the cells and is present in the body as a positively charged particle. It contributes to the accumulation of electrical voltage on cell membranes and is therefore important for the transmission of nerve impulses, regulation of heart rate and muscle function.Zinc is responsible for metabolising sugars and proteins – converting them into energy. It plays a key role in cell division and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, protecting cells from oxidative stress and maintaining normal skin, hair and nails.

Indications for use

The drug “CELL BALANCE” are an indispensable mandatory element of treatment of a wide range of patients, an indispensable component of anti-aging programmes, rehabilitation programmes after severe (including COVID-19) diseases. Indications for the use of “CELL BALANCE” are also asthenic conditions of various etiologies, neurasthenia, arterial hypotension, during the recovery period after infectious diseases and postoperative period.“CELL BALANCE” are effective in decreased performance, meteo-sensitivity, stress, immunodeficiency states, neurocirculatory dystonia, decreased potency.In addition, the drugs “CELL BALANCE”are used in neuroses and neurosis-like states (irritability, emotional instability, anxiety, fear), to improve the tolerance of neuroleptics and tranquilisers to eliminate their somato-vegetative and neurological side effects. Effective in cardialgia of various genesis (not related to CHD) and nicotine withdrawal (as part of a complex therapy to reduce the urge to smoke tobacco).


Not found.

Use in pregnancy and during breastfeeding

PregnancyThere are no data on the use of the active substances of the preparation “CELL BALANCE” in pregnant women.Breastfeeding periodThere is no information about penetration of active substances (metabolites) of the drug “CELL BALANCE” into human breast milk.

How to use and dosage


10 ml of the preparation “CELL BALANCE”, should be diluted in 1 litre of clean drinking water and taken in equal parts during a day. The course of treatment is not less than 1 month; recommended course of treatment – ​​3 months; If necessary, the course of treatment can be prolonged for up to 6 months and/or repeated in 1-2 months.

Form of release

300 ml bottle

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Shelf life

1 year. Do not use after expiry date.

Conditions of dispensing

Released without a prescription.

Got Questions?


Contact us for all questions and inquires. We will provide to you